The study has been conducted by Professor Antonis Metaxas, Chairman of the Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute, Michalis Mathioulakis, Research Director and Maria Lykidi, Research Associate of the Institute.
The EEJ is offering a pro-active information on energy law and policy to academics and energy professionals throughout Europe. It is reporting comments on relevant developments in the areas of internal market competition law, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, climate change, infrastructure, security of supply, and foreign energy policy. Providing high-quality articles and straightforward information on political, legal, economic, environmental, industrial, financial and technical aspects of energy, the EEJ is a leading cross-border platform for a multidisciplinary dialogue between stakeholders in the European energy sector.
In this study, the Institute’s research team is focusing on the implementation of the Target Model between Member States and its purpose is to produce significant results in regional markets, leading to increased price convergence, enhanced competition, lower overall energy system costs and increased security of supply. Moreover, the study is analysing the conditions under which overall market integration is stalled by slow and complex decision-making and implementation processes, diverging national policies and interests, and inadequate interconnection capacity coupled -in some cases- with problematic capacity allocation procedures.
Further information on the “European Energy Journal” and our team’s recent publication could be found in the following link: