Τhe Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute (HERI) is delighted to announce the organization of the prestigious “5th Athens Conference on EU Energy Law and Policy | Current Trends in Energy Transition”. This significant scientific event is about to take place, virtually, on December 10th, 2021. Prof. L. Hancher, Florence School of Regulation and Prof. J. Mohr,
read moreProf. Dr. A. Metaxas’ latest publication titled “Opinion 1/17: Autonomy of EU Legal Order and the Conflicting Context of International Investment Arbitration” is published in the latest issue of the renowned scientific Journal “European Papers | A Journal on Law and Integration”. Prof. Metaxas focuses on the correlation between international investment arbitration and EU
read moreΣε νέο άρθρο του στο έγκυρο energypress, ο καθηγητής Αντώνης Μεταξάς, πρόεδρος του Ελληνικού Ινστιτούτου Ενεργειακής Ρύθμισης προχωρά σε μια συνοπτική αλλά εμπεριστατωμένη ανάλυση των νομικών επιπτώσεων από την απόφαση της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για το New Deal. Ο Καθηγητής Μεταξάς επισημαίνει ότι η συμβατότητα του New Deal με διατάξεις υπερνομοθετικής ισχύος κρίνεται από δικαιοδοτικά όργανα και όχι
read more“Public service obligations” is a term used in Article 106 of the TFEU that has given rise to many critical debates. In the energy sector it relates to the need of guaranteeing, through regulatory measures or requirements addressed to suppliers or transmission and distribution system operators, a minimum of standards in terms of consumer and
read moreList of the European Regulatory Authorities For Energy Austria: Energie-Control Austria [E-Control: www.e-control.at] Belgium: Commission pour la Régulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz [CREG: www.creg.be] Bulgaria: State Energy & Water Regulatory Commission [SEWRC: www.dker.bg] Cyprus: Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority [CERA: www.cera.org.cy] Czech Republic: Energetický Regulační Úřad – Energy Regulatory Office [ERÚ – ERO: www.eru.cz] Denmark: Energitilsynet – Danish Energy Regulatory
read moreΑυστρία: Energie-Control Austria [E-Control: www.e-control.at] Βέλγιο: Commission pour la Régulation de l’Electricité et du Gaz [CREG: www.creg.be] Βουλγαρία: State Energy & Water Regulatory Commission [SEWRC: www.dker.bg] Κύπρος: Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority [CERA: www.cera.org.cy] Τσεχία: Energetický Regulační Úřad – Energy Regulatory Office [ERÚ – ERO:www.eru.cz] Δανία: Energitilsynet – Danish Energy Regulatory Authority [DERA: www.dera.dk] Εσθονία: Konkurentsiamet – Estonian Competition Authority –
read moreDirective 2003/87/EC established a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowances trading within the Community, amending Council Directive 96/61/EC and targeting the reduction of GHG emissions under the highest possible cost-effectiveness. The initial aforementioned Directive was amended by later acts, namely, Directive 2004/101/EC, Directive 2008/101/EC, Directive 2009/29/EC and Regulation (EC) No 219/2009.
read moreThe Council Directive 90/377/EEC regulated the Community procedures to improve the transparency of gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users. It was amended by the Council Decision 2007/394/EC. Commission Decision 2007/394/EC updates the annexes to take into account the implementation of Directive 2003/54/EC and Directive 2003/55/EC, on the opening of the electricity and gas
read moreEnergy trading is framed by Regulation No 1227/2011 of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency. The stringency of the rules aims to uncover abuses. National authorities in Member States are empowered to put in place penalties in order to battle market manipulation. The EU has focused on the effort to eliminate
read moreEnergy networks in the European Union need to be upgraded and developed in order to meet the key challenge of contributing to the establishment of a secure, sustainable and competitive energy market. More specifically, the growing need for flexibility, energy efficiency and the accommodation of distributed generation and demand-side participation is interrelated to the development
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