The Hellenic Energy Regulation Institute was represented by its founder, Dr Antonis Metaxas, in the Vienna Energy Forum 2014 on European Energy Law. This prominent conference dealing with the most current issues of EU Energy Regulation was successfully coorganised by the Florence School of Regulation and the Energy Community Secretariat.
Prominent speakers, academics as well as the practitioners, exchanged views on hot subjects such as state aid schemes and their implementation in the energy sector, TSOs and DSOs unbundling obligations, energy consumer concerns and the need to improve the current model structures of the electricity and gas Markets. Please find here the full programme of the conference as well as the presentations of the speakers.
Furthermore, Dr. A. Metaxas accepted the proposal expressed by FSR to draft the Greek Country Report in the forthcoming publication of the Institute on Capacity Mechanisms and the impacts of their remuneration schemes in the electricity sector. This interesting academic Project will be finalized and published by the end of this year.