Florence School of Regulation: Book Launch Seminar – Interdisciplinary Research Project for Capacity Mechanisms in the EU

The Florence School of Regulation (FSR) ( http://fsr.eui.eu/Home.aspx), one of the leading academic Institutes in the field of energy regulation, working closely with the European Commission and providing a European forum where academics and practitioners shape EU energy policies, has conducted an interdisciplinary scientific research combining legal, economic and policy perspectives regarding Capacity Mechanisms in European electricity markets.

The above scientific research aimed at analyzing current capacity mechanisms existing in the European national electricity markets by conducting a cross-country comparison as well as providing economic and legal evaluations of these mechanisms in the context of the European market integration. In the absence of consensus regarding the necessity of these mechanisms in light of security of supply concerns, the objective of this scientific survey was to provide further empirical and comparative research to the EU Commission and national regulatory authorities on this debate from a broader European and international perspective.

The national chapter concerning Greece has been assigned to Dr. Antonis Metaxas, Lecturer at the University of Athens and Visiting Professor of Energy Law at IHU.

The official Book Launch Seminar hosted by OXFORD University Press and FSR will take place on 29 September 2015 in Brussels. 

For further information see the relevant link: 



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